Do you live to work or do you work to live? Ah, the age-old question. Well, the fact is we have to work to maintain a certain lifestyle, don’t we? We like to focus on maintaining a healthy work-life balance and living up to our earning potential!
Work smarter, not harder. We have 15 ways for you to live up to your earning potential and become your company’s most valuable employee.
If you have ever wondered why you are consistently passed over for the promotion or why you did not get the raise you asked for, this article is for you. Are you ready for your employer to start noticing you?
Stand out from the crowd! It is time to be better for yourself and for your employer.
Related reading:
7 Tips To Help You Ask For a Raise With Confidence
35 Habits That Make Employees Extremely Valuable
Working Mom: 5 Tips For a Healthy Work-Life Balance
Earning Potential: Cross Train Yourself and Others
Employers want people who are eager to learn how the business works. In order to do that, you must be apt to learning other positions as well as teach yours. You will create value by improving the workforce.
Earning Potential: Possess the Ability to Work with Difficult People
No matter the industry, you will find difficult people everywhere. You need to know how to work with them and remain efficient. If they work for you, you will need to be able to motivate them.
Earning Potential: Be Proactive
Recognize what needs to be and do it. Do not wait to be told what to do. Employers appreciate proactivity, especially if it is something they have missed themselves.
Earning Potential: Be Authentic, Not Perfect
Authenticity is important to building work relationships. Employers do not expect perfection. They do expect you to be genuine and build trust.
Earning Potential: Know the Big Picture
Keep your eye on the big picture. When you understand why you are doing what you are doing, it is easier to recognize opportunities for improvement. And when you know how your work impacts others, you create value by being able to adjust your work to meet the ultimate goal.
Earning Potential: Positive Attitude
Having a positive attitude is a basic value-adder. Do not complain when things go wrong. Focus on the positive and help others to do so too.
Earning Potential: Be a Problem Solver
When problems arise, be the one who thinks of solutions rather than sulk in the corner. Employers want people who come up with feasible solutions. When you present them, remember to be open-minded and if they don’t work or aren’t picked, it isn’t personal.
Earning Potential: Be a Good Communicator
Keep everyone informed of what is going on with your work! This helps keep the machine running, so to speak. It also provides an opportunity to cross train as we mentioned earlier. Things tend to fall through the cracks when they aren’t communicated effectively and consistently.
Do not underestimate the power of repeating yourself. Your coworkers have their own set of tasks and troubles, so it does the mind good to repeat yourself.
Earning Potential: Prioritize the Team
Employers want people who progress their mission and vision which means knowing the big picture and prioritizing the team’s needs. Don’t be the person who shows up to work, does the bare minimum and skedaddle.
Earning Potential: Help Others
Help others when they need it. Your willingness to share your knowledge will not go overlooked.
Earning Potential: Control Stress
Stress is inevitable in all industries. Working is stressful. You need to manage your own stress so that it doesn’t negatively impact your coworkers.
Earning Potential: Empower Employees
Encourage others to step up and do a little more. Shed some light on the big picture if they haven’t caught on yet. Empower them to take control of their position. It means less work for you and companies want a team full of skillful people.
People also need encouragement, from entry-level to the C-suite.
Earning Potential: Build Relationships
Employers want people who want to be at work. When you have great work relationships, you want to be at work. Whether you share your personal life with them is up to you. We want you to have a positive professional relationship with them.
Earning Potential: Promote Inclusive Culture
Create a positive environment that people want to be a part of! Make people excited to show up to work everyday. Promoting an inclusive culture, deflates negative energy. You create value when you help to create this environment that others want to be a part of.
Earning Potential: Take Criticism
Learn how to take criticism. We all have our opportunities for growth and if your employer addresses you with criticism, take it on the chin, learn from it and better yourself. You will be commended for how well you accept the criticism and what you do with it.
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