Whether you are new to the work-from-home crowd, are thinking about converting or have been doing it for awhile, you will find that there are some do’s and some don’ts when it comes to sharing your workspace with your homespace.
We are going to cover 5 work-from-home tips to keep you (and your workspace) looking stylish, professional and most importantly, productive.
Work from Home Tip #1: Identify Workspace
The first thing you need to identify is your workspace. Not everyone is fortunate to have a home office. We know that some are working from their bedsides, guest rooms, and kitchen tables.
Wherever it is, identify it. If you do not have a designated office and are making do with the next best thing, we suggest choosing somewhere with minimal noise distractions.
The new-found workspace should also be semi-permanent. You do not want to have to move locations every day, or worse, multiple times a day. You can kiss productiveness (and your sanity) goodbye.
Once you have identified a suitable location, you can then start preparing it for work.
#2 Condition of Workspace
What is the condition of the space? This is the second step in setting up an efficient workspace. Are there crumbs leftover from breakfast? Papers scattered about your desk/table?
Clean it up!
Regardless of location, the best offices are equipped with the essentials: good energy, clean, organized, clear of distractions, and a good dose of hygge (hoo-ga).
Remember hygge? We wrote a post about hygge and how to bring it to your workspace and wardrobe last Fall. If you missed it, read it here.
Well, that lovely warm and welcoming feeling (the hygge feeling) of Fall/Winter can be achieved in any season and any space, even if you do not have a designated office. Acquire a couple of lamps to brighten up the area. Light a candle for the ambience. Candles and soft lighting instantly make a space more cozy.
Your workspace is now ready for you!
Work from Home Tips | #3 Dress to Impress
Now that your workspace is ready. It is time for you to get ready. That’s right, ladies, this is not vacation.
It is important that you continue your morning routine as usual. This includes waking up at a decent time, getting dressed and applying makeup or continuing your typical skincare routine.
These acts set you up for a productive day. Just like making your bed (read about that here). LINK TO BLOG 1 POST
Not only will you be prepared for spontaneous public appearances via video conference, you will feel more put together and that affects your productivity.
Do not forget — your wardrobe is an extension of you. It embodies your personality, your character, your identity and is the first impression people have of you.
Your clothes send a message about you and for you. What message are your clothes saying about you?
If you are in need of some style help, in home or out, click here for 5 tips to help you build a quality wardrobe.
Work from Home Tips #4: Food and Fresh Air
One of the most convenient things about working from home is the accessibility to the kitchen! Ha — you may even be working in the kitchen. Now that you are home, there is no excuse for not eating a healthy lunch.
We suggest eating your lunch away from your workspace. It gives you a little break from work physically and mentally.
If you can, take a little walk outside with your kids or dogs. A nice walk will get the blood pumping, rejuvenate your motivation and your kids/dogs will appreciate the attention and exercise too!
Do you need some help brainstorming what to prepare for your meals? We have got you covered. We list some of our favorite healthy meals in our post, Healthy Meal Prep for a Busy Work Week.
Work from Home Tips | #5 Time Block
We touched on the time block concept above with a lunch break. Time blocking is so important for productivity, especially if you are working from home with unique distractions. Start by listing out the tasks you typically do in a workday (emails, phone calls, etc.). Then apply them to your workday.
Read related blog posts:
Money Management Tips: When to Save & When to Spend
The Magic of Tidying Up: Spring Cleaning for the Mind, Closet, And Workspace
Self Care Ideas: 5 Tips to Take Care When Work Gets Busy