Created by Women

inspired by women

inspired by women. Created by women.

I started Mercury Clothiers because of a lack of inspired options for professional women at a price point below high end designers. I'd never considered myself an entrepreneur, but the process of researching and starting a business has been an empowering and incredible experience.

I've met amazing women who are in the fashion, design, and business worlds — and discovered so many more who have trailblazed paths for female entrepreneurs. I'm excited to share my journey and the stories of many inspiring women with you — right here.

I'm marisa corrado

meet marisa

I've met amazing women who are in the fashion, design, and business worlds — and discovered so many more who have trailblazed paths for female entrepreneurs. I'm excited to share my journey and the stories of many inspiring women with you — right here.

I started Mercury Clothiers because of a lack of inspired options for professional women at a price point below high end designers. I'd never considered myself an entrepreneur, but the process of researching and starting a business has been an empowering and incredible experience.

Success Mindset: How To Unapologetically Pursue Success

Looking for help getting into the success mindset for the new year? This post is for you! Read on for help rebooting, refocusing, and setting yourself up for success this year! #mindset #success #goals

Think back to your childhood… 

When you rode your bicycle through the neighborhood or went over to a friend’s house, what was the one thing you remember that was an indicator of wealth? Was it a big house? A two-story house? Did you recognize people dressing a certain way or having a fancy car?

Interestingly, think if that has changed now that you are an adult. 

Similarly, how do you recognize success

What does it look like? How do you know if you are successful? Is there a way to find out? Is it self-assessed or is it dependent on other people to tell you?

These are great questions and we have the answers for you! Read on and evaluate your own progress and learn how to unapologetically pursue success because you deserve to be successful! 

Success Mindset: Challenge Yourself

Pursuing new challenges keeps your mind busy and a busy mind is a sharp mind. Being comfortable leads to complacency. Do not fall in that trap. Challenge yourself to learn something new or set a time to make yourself go to bed. What about limiting your screen time? That is a tough one but we accept. 

Challenges are important to help you grow and achieve more in life!    

Success Mindset: Self Care

The popular idea that you have to run yourself ragged in order and have no life to be successful is incorrect.  

Successful women prioritize self care. Do not underestimate its power. A successful woman takes care of herself! Self care is not something to overlook. It should be respected. 

Many women take care of everything and everyone but themselves, and unfortunately miss themselves completely. The key to having a success mindset is to value self care. 

Join us in changing the stigma on self care from luxury to necessity!

Related reading: 

Self Care Ideas: 5 Tips To Take Care When Work Gets Busy

Success Mindset: Financially Stable

The third way to achieve success is to be financially stable and therefore, your mindset needs to be in line with being good with money. This does not mean you need to be rich. The important thing is to be in control of your finances. Know your budgetary limits and do not breach the thresholds you create. 

Top tip: do not make any financial decisions in an emotional situation. Financial matters should be decided with a calm, clear state of mind. 

Success Mindset: Communication

Practice makes perfect, right? It certainly does when it comes to being a great communicator. Being an exceptional communicator takes practice.

Being a good communicator is also one way to become your company’s most valuable employee. Read more about that here

Success Mindset: Active Lifestyle

When you walk in the door from work, do not crash on the couch for the rest of the night. Of course, it is important to give yourself some down time but you need to balance that with your other activities, like walking the dog, attending your child’s sports games or participating in family time. 

Successful women are active – physically and emotionally. We are strong advocates for a healthy work-life balance. 

Success Mindset: Make Lists

Do not stress yourself out by trying to remember everything. Make yourself a to-do list or lists. Successful women write multiple lists, including: daily, weekly, and monthly lists. They help to keep you on track to meet your goals. 

Not to mention being able to cross things off your lists feels good and is great motivation!

Success Mindset: Stay Focused

Just as an athlete trains for their race, a career woman trains for their own success. The mental discipline and self-control are the same. Stay focused on your to-do lists and your goals and you will be successful. 

Success Mindset: Be Productive

Isn’t the feeling of being productive wonderful? Keeping that momentum going is the trick. Success comes from productivity. If you aren’t productive, you aren’t successful. Simple as that.

How many things do you relate to? If you’ve ticked them all of your list, well done, you are successful! Keep up the good work! If you’ve learned at least one, we are happy to help.   

Keep reading! Here are some other career related blog posts that we think you will love:

Earning Potential: 15 Ways to Becoming Your Company’s Most Valuable Employee

Personal Finance Tips: 5 Biggest Mistake That Professional Women Make With Money

Workplace Discrimination: Women In Power – Assertive or Aggressive?

5 Relationships Every Career Women Must Have 

7 Tips To Help You Ask For a Raise With Confidence

How To Stay Focused and Productive at Work

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